Millennials and Gen Xers are more likely to develop 17 cancers than previous generations, according to a


such as cancer cases Rise among the youth A new study found that 17 types of cancer are most common in the United States. Generation X and Millennials from older age groups.

In the year Among adults born between 1920 and 1990, there were significant differences in cancer rates and types of cancer between each generation, including breast, colon and rectal, pancreatic and ovarian cancers, according to the study published Wednesday in the journal. Lancet Public Health.

“Ovarian cancer spans the area where we see a significant increase. It has a 169% higher incidence rate than those born in the 1990s, as opposed to those born in the 1950s—and that's for people of the same age. A person born in the 1950s is in their 30s and 40s in the 1990s.” He saw a different incidence rate compared to someone born in his 30s and 40s,” said Dr. William Dout, chief scientific officer of the American Cancer Society, who co-authored the new study.

“What's a bit different about this paper is that it covers a wider range of cancers,” he said. “We actually looked at 34 different cancers, 17 of which had an increase in morbidity and five in young adults under the age of 50.”

The 17 types of cancer:

  • Gastric heart
  • Small intestine
  • Estrogen receptor-positive breast
  • Ovary
  • Liver and intrahepatic bile duct in women
  • Non-HPV-related cancers of the mouth and pharynx in women
  • Anus
  • colon and direct
  • Uterine corpus
  • Gall bladder and other biliary
  • Kidney and kidney pelvis
  • Pancreas
  • myeloma
  • Non-cardiac gastric
  • testis
  • Leukemia
  • Kaposi sarcoma, which affects The lining of blood vessels and lymph vessels, in men

The researchers analyzed data from the American Cancer Society and the University of Calgary in Canada on more than 23 million patients diagnosed with 34 types of cancer and more than 7 million people who died from 25 types of cancer.

Data from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries and the US National Center for Health Statistics included adults aged 25 to 84 from January 2000 to December 2019. It was separated by a gap of five years from 1920 to 1990.

The researchers found an increase in the incidence of the disease in each cohort of births since about 1920 for eight of the 34 cancers. Among those born in 1990, the incidence of pancreatic, kidney, and small bowel cancer was two to three times higher in men and women and liver cancer among women born in 1955.

For all types of cancer, the increased incidence rates among those born in 1990 ranged from more than 12% for endometrial cancer to 169% for endometrial corpus cancer compared to birth cohorts with the lowest incidence rates.

Nationally, the increase in certain cancers among young adults “may be due to environmental or lifestyle changes,” suggests Dr. Andrea Sercek, MD, gastrointestinal oncologist and co-director. Young Onset Colorectal and Gastric Cancer Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, he said in an email.

“This study shows that some cancers that used to not occur in young people are now on the rise,” said Sircek, who was not involved in the new research. “It is not known why these cancers, gastrointestinal cancers, ovarian cancers, and ER-positive breast cancers are increasing in young adults, but we believe that this increase may be due to environmental factors or early exposure.” ”

The researchers found that 10 of the 17 cancers with an increased incidence in young children were linked to obesity: colon and rectum, kidney and pelvis, gall bladder and other biliary, uterine corpus, pancreas, heart stomach, estrogen receptor positive breast. , ovary, myeloma, and liver and bile duct.

Because cancer takes time to develop, obesity-related cancer at a young age may be associated with this. Their childhood health.

“If people get cancer early, whether it's environmental or climate or diet or whatever — their exposure is at an early age,” Dowd said. “If you had cancer in your 30s or 20s, your teenage years, or even earlier, that's probably when you had that predisposing or triggering event.

The researchers also found that cancer mortality increased consistently among younger generations, along with the incidence of liver cancer among women, uterine corpus, gall bladder, testicular, and colon and rectal cancers.

The new study had some good news: Cancers that aren't rising — and even in younger generations are declining — include tobacco-related cancers like lung cancer and HPV infections like cervical cancer.

The “accelerated decline” in cervical cancer rates reflects the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine in women born around 1990, when the vaccine was approved in the United States, and women who turned 16, the study found. And downward trends in tobacco-related cancers mean that smoking prevalence among younger generations is declining rapidly.

“These findings are consistent with the increased risk of cancer in the post-baby boomer generation, including earlier findings of colorectal cancer and a few obesity-related cancers across a wide range of cancers,” he said. Hyuna Sungstudy leader and senior principal scientist for surveillance and health equity science at the American Cancer Society, said in a news release.

“Birth cohorts, groups of people divided by year of birth, share unique social, economic, political and climatic environments that influence their risk of developing cancer during critical periods of development,” she said. “Although we have identified cancer trends related to birth years, we do not yet have a clear explanation for why these rates are increasing.”

Several factors — changes in diet, decreased physical activity, increased childhood obesity and the use of advanced diagnostic tests — are likely responsible for the rising incidence of cancer among young people, said Dr. Ernest Hawke, the group's chairman. Cancer prevention and public science The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, which was not involved in the study.

“Especially because we know many of these cancers are obesity-related cancers, so it may be the main culprit that has been discussed so far,” Hawke said.

However, health care professionals in the United States have the tools to detect these types of cancer at an early stage, which increases the chances of survival, Hawke added, and the new findings show that we need to start screening for some earlier. Types of cancer.

“That's already been done for both breast cancer screening and colon cancer screening. For both, in the last five years, overall, we've lowered the age at which we start screening for the average at-risk population,” Hawke said. It started, partly because of this.

He was referring to the investigation. US Preventive Services Task Force A volunteer group of independent medical professionals whose recommendations guide doctors' decision-making and influence insurance plans.

In 2021 USPSTF Lowered the recommended age Start screening for colon and rectal cancer in adults at average risk 50 to 45. This guideline is for those who are asymptomatic and have no diagnosis of colorectal cancer, a history of colon or rectal polyps, or a personal or family history of genetic disorders that are at high risk.

In May, the task force Updated recommendations for breast cancer screening For average-risk adults, recommending a mammogram every two years starting at age 40 and continuing until age 74. The previous recommendation was that biannual mammograms should begin at age 50 and that the decision to screen women in their 40s should be an individual one. He said. The new guidelines are closely aligned with those of other groups, such as the American Cancer Society.

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Overall, “the findings of increased cancer incidence across 17 cancer types in recent years have important public health implications,” the researchers wrote in their study. “Improving awareness among health care providers and the public about the signs and symptoms of cancer among young adults is critical to early detection and treatment.”

Doubt in most types of cancer, signs and symptoms can include abnormal bleeding, as blood in the stool can be a sign of colorectal cancer or abnormal vaginal bleeding can be a sign of ovarian cancer.

Other symptoms to look out for include “dull, persistent pain that you've never had before — that's another thing people should at least seek medical advice from,” Dout said.

“Any abnormal lymph nodes or growths that are unknown,” he said. “Fatigue, weight loss – these are very advanced cancers, and I think, at that time, most people want to see someone because they are sick.”

“Delaying the diagnosis six, eight, 10 or 12 months before admission can definitely lead to more disease and worse outcomes,” says Dowth, adding that it's important to seek medical attention.

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