Health officials are urging doctors to watch out for some rare and serious meningitis infections that are on the rise in the United States.
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention New health warning These infections, caused by a specific strain of Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, can cause unusual symptoms. In the cases identified so far this year, about 1 in 6 people have died, a higher death rate than is typically seen with meningococcal infections.
These cases are unusual because they affect middle-aged adults. Meningitis usually affects children or adolescents and adults.
The CDC warning comes after the Virginia Department of Health. He warned that five people died From the same rare, severe case of meningitis in September.
Meningitis refers to any disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis. The infection can lead to both meningitis and a serious blood vessel infection called septicemia or septicemia.
The bacteria can be spread from person to person through the exchange of respiratory and throat fluids and is commonly caused by kissing, sneezing, coughing or living in close proximity to other infected people.
There are four different groups of meningococcal bacteria known to circulate in the United States – B, C, W and Y. The CDC reports that there were 422 cases of meningococcal disease in the United States in 2023, which is a high number. It has been reported since 2014. Most were caused by a different strain, ST-1466, in the Y subgroup.
So far, 2024 is on track to increase that number. So far, 143 cases have been recorded in the United States – almost 80% of the number reported during the same period in 2023.
The CDC says that most people with this particular disease are adults between the ages of 30 and 60. A disproportionate number of cases, 63%, are among black people and 15% have HIV in their blood.
Typical symptoms of meningitis are fever, headache, stiff neck, photophobia, and nausea. Many recently reported cases do not have these symptoms. Two-thirds of patients have blood-borne infections, and about 4% have painful, infected joints.
Symptoms of meningitis include fever and chills, fatigue, vomiting, cold hands and feet, rapid breathing, diarrhea and later stages, a dark purple rash.
Early symptoms can look like many different infections, but they can get worse quickly and become life-threatening within hours, the CDC says. Immediate treatment with antibiotics is very important. Survivors may have long-term effects such as hearing loss or amputation of arms and legs.
There is a vaccine available to prevent bacterial meningitis. It is recommended for 11- to 12-year-olds, and a booster is usually given at age 16 because immunity is waning. It is also recommended for people with certain medical conditions that affect the immune system, such as HIV. The CDC says people in vulnerable groups should get boosters of this vaccine every 3 to 5 years.