Image source: https://www.bharti-axagi.co.in/sites/default/files/styles/blog_352_212_/public/blogs_images/crit-ill_insurance_0.jpg?itok=y41g4KWX
Adventures Gone Awry
One of the main reasons comprehensive travel insurance meets the needs of even the most free-spirited explorer is that the best-planned adventures can still go awry. You may be able to navigate the tuk-tuk prices and find the temple hidden deep in a Sri Lankan jungle, but it only takes the all-too-human mistake of leaving your wallet behind in the back seat to turn your trip into a disaster. Adequate cover does not mean trimming your plan to the bare essentials because you think you can control every circumstance; it construes knowing that the greater the adventure on exotic soil, the less control you have over preventing even small mishaps. But many of these mishaps can be mitigated by a good policy.
Spontaneous Changes of Plan
Just as every kind of backpacker can lose a wallet, likewise, all travellers can see their plans change - indeed, it is the mark of the backpacker to make plans on the run. But sometimes this spontaneity is also forced upon you. If you miss a train and need to take an alternate route, or get on the wrong tour at the bus station, you may find yourself at the wrong end of cancelled bookings or misplaced luggage. So much stress can be alleviated in these situations if you're covered by comprehensive travel insurance.
Illness that Comes With the Territory
Al backpackers understand that some inconveniences come with the territory of being on the road in a strange country. You may misplace an item of camera equipment, you'll probably have to shower with cold water or melt all night in a room without air conditioning - but you may also suffer some kind of illness, like a stomach bug or even a bout of malaria. Even if you can accept this as part of the experience, comprehensive travel insurance can ensure it doesn't become a calamity.
Surprising Perks
The classic stereotype of the backpacker is that they can just get up and go with no great thought of destination, bookings, or comprehensive travel insurance. They have the reputation of taking to the open road with only a vague sense of purpose and a small assurance of cash. But the smart, modern backpacker knows that getting a decent insurance policy not only protects them, it can also offer surprising perks, such as travel bonuses or free cover for children.
Even for backpackers, getting covered is a vital step in travel plans.
Patrick Chong is the Managing Director of InsureMore. We provide comprehensive travel insurance and offer a range of policies including single-trip, multi-trip and family insurance. For all your travel cover needs, InsureMore can help you in the quickest and most cost-efficient way.