Shop For Cheaper Car Insurance- The Balancing Act

Shop For Cheaper Car Insurance- The Balancing Act

When was the last time you thought about your car
insurance? Probably only when that bill comes. Then you wonder
why does it cost so much. Well if you've wondered just that,
wether you're getting the best possible price on your car
insurance we have some incredibly helpful information
you'll want to hear about. Even if you haven't thought about
shopping lately you'll be surprised by what you might

And here to explain is Andrew Rose, President and CEO
of Compare.Com. Good morning Andrew. Great to have you here.
Good morning. Thank for having us.
Andrew, right off the bat what is Compare.Com?
Compare.Com a free fast easy way to shop for auto insurance.
Easiest way to think about it, you use those travel sites to
book hotels, to book airlines, etc.

Exact same thing but for
auto insurance. It's a simple easy way to do it. Apples to
apples comparisons to let you understand up front how to get
the best deal on your auto insurance.
But aren't there other companies who say they'll compare
insurance rates for you? There are. There are other
companies out there that will do that, but we're different.

They're other guys out there
that will give you estimates. They'll give you calculations
etc., But you can't buy those and if you can't buy them why
are you going thru the whole process. There are some out
there that will give you rates, but then you have to buy thru
them. You want to buy thru the insurance company that you've
just quoted from and that's where were different.

where Compare.Com makes its' mark. We allow you to come to
our site, get all the information and then you can
purchase thru that insurance company the way that you want.
Over the phone, over the web or in person with an agent. You
decide. Now who should be comparing auto
insurance rates and can anyone benefit?
Who shouldn't? Ok Perfect.
Is probably an easier question.

We're all out their driving. We
all have to have our auto insurance. We all out there want
to save money. We do it on gasoline.

We're going to drive
from one gas station to the next to save a few pennies. Cutting
coupons for the grocery store. Well those are pennies. Your
auto insurance is huge dollars.

Over time you're going to spend
thousands of dollars in the auto insurance. If you got the wrong
one you might be spending way to much and our objective at
Compare.Com is to give you the opportunity to compare lots of
rates all at once. Make sure you get the right deal. Now, we
can't promise everybody that we're going to save you money.
Nobody should do that.

We can't promise that every person's
going to get tons of rates on our site, but it's an
opportunity to go to one place and get a bunch of quotes rather
then just one. How actually does Compare.Com
work? Compare.Com works just like
those travel sites. Ok.
You've gone to those to book hotel rooms or airlines.
Sure. You come to one spot, you enter
your details once and then you get back a bunch of rates all at

If you're going to spend the fifteen minutes or the seven
and a half minutes whatever they're arguing about these
days, why not get a bunch. You them back in real time and
they're accurate. You can buy them right then and there. Your

You're in control. Nobody sells your information.
It's just to make it easier for you to make sure you're getting
the right price for the right coverage for you.
Alright now, women are watching this show and I want to know if
there's anything important that you think that our female
audience and our viewers should know about Compare.Com.
Ok, well they have to promise not to tell the guys, but I've
been in the insurance industry for a long time, they are better
risks, they are better drives and their obviously better
shoppers. And so from that stand point they're the ones that can
go out their and prove they can get a whole lot better deal.
Compare.Com is a simple easy way to do that. It's an easier way
for you to save money and we hope that you'll go to
Compare.Com and see what you can save.
Well first of all I love the fact that it's free.

I love the
fact that it's one stop shopping. That's really
important because who wants to go and look at, you know, 45
different insurance companies. I. Mean I want to go, I want to see
it, I want the data and I want to shop.
There are more then two hundred insurance companies out there.
Most people tire out in the shopping process after two or

So from our stand point let's make it easier. Sometime you'll
find out that you already have the best rates. Sometimes you'll
find out there's alot better deal out there for you.
Thanks so much. Great tips and thank you for being in the
studio with us.

Thank you very much.
Alright if you want to know more log onto TheBalancingAct.Com.
You can also follow us on Facebook as well and share your
stories with us. (Music).

Latoya T. Buckingham

I am a writer who studies many things about current events.

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