How Car Insurance is Worked OutCalculated! FUNNY

How Car Insurance is Worked OutCalculated! FUNNY

You right lads? Does it seem like youre the ONLY person who
gets (bleep) over by car insurance quotes, when your mate pays pennies for something
3 times as fast? IM ALSO THAT PERSON. So were going over all the factors which influcence
insurance prices. 1. Gender and Age This seems to be a easy answer right?; Young
males pay more (as society sees us as the 'accident causer' but i think all of us lads
will have a different idea of who that ACTUALLY is...

Now altough that is true (young males do pay
more), but this DOES reverse as time goes on, it is more likely that older women pay
MORE than older men, due to the fact they are MORE likely to be
involved in minor accidents. 2.Martial Staus. However stupid this may seem; married people
pay less on their insurance than single people (especially for men), although i still have
no idea where they get the facts to back this up; but has there ever been such
a good excuse to pop the question? 3. Where you live.

This comes down to many factors; not just
how 'rough' your neighborhoud is. More densley populated areas will have higer
insurance prices, due to higher risk of accidents due to collisions. Insurance companies also check the prices
of garages in the area for an average repair cost, thus affecting a premium price. The most expensive place in britain for car
insurance is in the Manchester postcode, M13, and the cheapest in the UK is 'darrnnnn souuthhh'
in the Cornwall postcode TR1.

4.Profession. Bad luck for journalists! It is beleived that jobs including journalists
and delivery drivers pay more for their premiums because of the fact the are constatnly
on the road, whereas airline pilots are the opposite, receiving a lower rate due to fact
they usually drive to an aiport and back. Interestingly; police officers, NUNS, paramedics
and insurance underwriters (OF COURSE) recieve a good rate due to benig seen as more 'careful'
drivers. So if you're thinking about cellebasy; grab
a cheap insurance quote while youre at it! 5.

The car itself. There isnt much shocking infromation on here;
the faster the car; will trigger a higher insurance quote; the better safety rating;
the cheaper the insurance. The larger the body size of the car; safer;
cheaper insurance. The age of the car; the newer the higher insurance;
due to old cars just being scrapped when in an accident and half the people not even bothering
to mention to the insurance due to the (beep) ripping
you off with excesses and then the risk of losing your precious no claims bonus.

6. Likeyhood of theft. If your car hits the in Top 10 likely to be
stolen spot, oh boy, get your pants around your ankles and just bend over now. If you live in the UK, and you own a BMW X5,
congratulations! You own the most likely stolen car in the UK, youre getting fucked (beep)
over on youre insurance pal, especially for a not-so desireable BMW.

7. Driving Habits. THese are also self explanatory; if you have
any driving convictions, tickets or made any previous insurance claims, you may end up
feeling just like Andy Duphrene out of the Shawshank Redemption. Insurance companies state that if you have
less yearly milage on the car, or you park a car in the garage, it will significantly
effect your premium.

But ive been in the sitation where ive considering
cleaning out my whole garage just to pretend i park in there overnight; and the premium
rate didnt drop a penny. So in conclusion; if you want the cheapest insurance quote possible;
its simple! Move to the middle of nowhere, become a nun
(who is also married), wait till youre middle age,
buy the biggest people carrier you know of, and youre in for a great deal mate! Subscribe!.

Latoya T. Buckingham

I am a writer who studies many things about current events.

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